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Master how is this fish?

Author: Time:2021-09-1359 second

Information summary:  Red dragonfish======== How to comment on Xianglong Aquarium League fish friends =====  QQ Antilly Friends said: BeautifulA277469421 fish friends say: There is...., gar fish, rainbow baby, not for sale, arowana poster.Master how is this fish?

  Red dragonfish======== How to comment on Xianglong Aquarium League fish friends =====

  QQ Antilly Friends said: Beautiful
A277469421 fish friends say: There is no thickness, a small fish tank is a small, change the environmental light enhancement performance better
Tanks will also fly fish friends say:
Dont forget the 004 fish friends say:
The fish tail wood fish friend said: Is it necessary to increase the brightness?For example, 2 lamp tubes before, add 2!
Newf123 fishy friends said: Four top lights plus one side lamp, 10 hours a day? ?After 1 month, it will deepen, so that color is red, but the squamics and fish back will be black than now, the fish is very dirty, your fish color is currently Yellow Orange is not bad.It is not recommended to change a big environment for strong color.
Z953443485 Fish friends say: big oranges, can.
Zhong Hongda fish friends said: beautiful and beautiful
The ancestor fish friend said: General is so big.
Jin Hong Weixin fish friends say: beautifulHow long can arowana starve to death$Analysis of the reasons why the four big dragon fish refused to eat%How to deal with arowana without eating"What to do if the gold arowana doesn"t eat too much!Arowana skips food for a week@The reason why the arowana refused to eat$How often do angelfish breed%Is it okay if the arowana does n"t eat for a few months?#What should I do if I do not eat for 2 months~Will Arowana die if it does n"t eat? Siauliai Fish,Master how is this fish??